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Best "Food-Grade" Feather Plucker

By Ryan Flanagan  •   2 minute read

Hatching Time Cimuka Feather plucker in image on green grass with tree line in the background. Feather plucker has clear plastic drum with black plucker fingers, a yellow chute can be seen on front of plucker.

Best "Food-Grade" Feather Pluckers

Automatic feather pluckers are a great addition to your farm. Boasting a sanitary design and efficient motors, these Hatching time feather pluckers are amazing!

Quality vs Quantity

Every professional poultry farm should be equipped with the most durable and sanitary equipment on the market. This will ensure the best quality of meat and eggs. Many farmers supply their workers with special commercial grade devices for plucking. Like all farmers know, the right equipment makes the world of a difference.

Some believe that plucking feathers by hand is quick. We just simply disagree. With an electric plucking machine, you can pluck several birds in seconds. Simply turn the unit on, put your bird(s) in, spray down the feathers and watch. In the blink of an eye, your birds are coming out silky smooth! Cimuka's low effort chicken feather pluckers house powerful motors and simply work more efficiently than plucking by hand. Don't forget to browse our Processing Units as well.

"These plastic feather pluckers made everything so much easier"

- Dwayn L.

"Food-Grade" Plastic Drum

Both plastic and metal have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to electric feather pluckers. Today, I want to focus on problems with metal and the benefits of "food-grade" plastic.

The main problem with metal is that it simply rusts. No matter what, over will rust. This is a big concern for farms that take sanitation very seriously. To combat rust, we suggest plucking your birds in a clean "food-grade" plastic drum with 100% natural rubber fingers.

Oil-Free Motor

Don't worry! Cimuka's patented design boasts an efficient geared motor that does not require lubrication or normal part replacement. Not having to replace parts yearly will be a huge cost savings!

"No damage to the skin! This is an awesome plucker"

"No damage to the skin! This is an awesome plucker"

- Dawn W.

100% Natural Rubber Fingers

To meet safety standards when working with food, 100% natural rubber plucking fingers are used in all models. You need 100% rubber when plucking to maintain strength and flexibility for long plucking sessions. For best plucking, use a scolder or hot water before placing your birds in the plucker.

Do you Need One?

Poultry feather plucking devices are a necessity on any farm. The ability to get rid of feathers quickly, efficiently and accurately makes the process fun, clean, and easy. When seeking information about which is the Best Chicken Plucker or purchasing your plucker, make sure you get the proper model for your birds. Each model is tailored towards various poultry.

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Written by Ryan Flanagan

Co-Founder | Hatching Time

Ryan enjoys helping clients raise backyard poultry in order to foster a self-sustainable lifestyle.
