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Hatching Time understands the need to make commercial and at-home poultry keeping fun, easy and sanitary. That is why we travel all over the globe to bring you the latest in tech & innovation.

Browse Our Brands

  • Hatching Time Cimuka. Brooders, Quail cages and Incubators can be seen in image.

    Cimuka is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time Coopworx. Feeder can be seen being filled by a woman. Chickens are using the feeder.

    Coopworx is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time Eaton. Pet bedding bag and Nesting pads can be seen next to a chicken.

    Eaton is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time Snap Lock. A chicken can be seen standing in front of Formex chicken coop.

    Formex is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time Grubterra. Grubterra Black Fly Larvae can be seen in image.

    GrubTerra is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time Nestera.  A family is standing by Penthouse coop bundle with chickens in chicken run and on top of the coop.

    Nestera is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time OverEZ. 3 Girls are in front of OverEZ chicken coop. One girl is holding an egg above her head and the other 2 are holding chickens.

    OverEZ is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time Premo. Poultry spray can be seen in image being held in hand.

    PremoGuard is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time Strong Animals. A chicken can be seen standing on top of Coop Recuperate Tub.

    StrongAnimals is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time TermoPro digital thermometer can be seen in image in front of chickens.

    ThermoPro is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time Treats for Chickens. Chickens can be seen in image eating treats from a woman's hand.

    Treats for Chickens is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

  • Hatching Time Stumphouse Farms. 2 men and a woman from Stumphouse farms are standing side by side in a field.

    Stumphouse is a leader in the egg incubation space. With over 50 years of experience and innovation, Hatching Time partnered with Cimuka to bring state-of-the-art incubation, brooding, breeding and processing equiment to North America.

Learn More About Our Company

  • Hatching Time. Affiliate program image shows 5% earning on each sale for affiliates of Hatching Time.

    Affiliate Programs

    Launched in late 2023, we now offer our loyal customers the chance to earn 5% when customers purchase through their link.

  • Hatching Time. Incubators and chicken cages can be seen in image at poultry show.


    We attend dozens of poultry judging shows, large homestead events and international conventions such as IPPE.

  • Hatching Time. A woman can be seen next to CT series incubator while holding a User manual.


    Join a fun work environment with remote and in person positions.

  • Hatching Time. Warehouse view inside of Hatching Time warehouse and showroom.


    Start selling our products in your store(s) today! There are also opportunities to become a distributor.