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Write For Us

We are excited to invite guest bloggers to contribute their expertise to our blog.

If you have a passion for poultry, we would love to hear from you.

  • Build Your Brand

    Showcase your knowledge and interest in poultry. Feature your farm in your bio!

  • Gain Exposure

    Over 1,000,000 visitors a year.

  • Community

    Engage with your community and network with other like-minded people.

Hatching Time. A speckled hen can be seen picking at feed on the  ground surrounded by hay with a wood board in the background.

Write Content,
Go Viral

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I receive credit?

Absolutely! All guest posts are credited to the author, including a brief bio and a link to your website or social media.

What kind of content do you accept?

We seek informative and original articles related to poultry equipment and care. Topics should be relevant, engaging, and provide value to our readers.

How does the submission and publication process work?

Step 1 is to submit your guest post proposal. After your proposal is approved, you will be sent guidelines to follow. (Also on this page). Once received, your blog will undergo review. If approved, we'll inform you about the publication date.

Contributor Guidelines

  • New posts should be between 400 and 4000 words long.
  • Send us at least three good quality, landscape images to go with your post with file names that make it clear what the images are.
  • Break up your post text with headers to make it easy to read
  • Provide up to two links to our products, our other pages or any relavant article you used to create the blog.

Other Ways to Partner

Advertise in Your Farm Store

Start promoting Hatching Time products in your shop. We can send graphics!

We understand that demand can peak during season so we offer drop ship options for shipment directly to your customer's home or to your store.


Authorized Retailer Map

We are building a list of stores that showcase our core products.

Learn More About Our Company

  • Hatching Time. Affiliate program image shows 5% earning on each sale for affiliates of Hatching Time.

    Affiliate Program

    Launched in late 2023, we now offer our loyal customers the chance to earn 5% when customers purchase through their link.

  • Hatching Time. Incubators and chicken cages can be seen in image at poultry show.


    We attend dozens of poultry judging shows, large homestead events and international conventions such as IPPE.

  • Hatching Time. A woman can be seen next to CT series incubator while holding a User manual.


    Join a fun work environment with remote and in person positions.

  • Hatching Time. Warehouse view inside of Hatching Time warehouse and showroom.


    Start selling our products in your store(s) today! There are also opportunities to become a distributor.