
6 products
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Stage of Life
Baby Chick Care Kit
Hatching Time Strong Animals. Baby chick care kit can be seen in image. Step-by-step starter kit for baby chicks.
Hatching Time Strong Animals. First peep non-medicated feed supplement can be seen in image.

Baby Chick Care Kit

First Peep - 2 lb
Hatching Time Strong Animals. First peep non-medicated feed supplement can be seen in image.

First Peep - 2 lb

Electrolyte + Vitamin Pack
Hatching Time Strong Animals. Water additive can be seen in image. Electrolytes and Vitamins.

Electrolyte + Vitamin Pack

Prebiotic and Probiotic Pack
Hatching Time Strong Animals. Pre and Pro-biotics water additive can be seen in image.

Prebiotic and Probiotic Pack

Flock Fixer - 5.5 oz
Hatching Time Strong Animals. Flock fixer non-medicated fast acting hydrate and restore during times of challenge

Flock Fixer - 5.5 oz

Chicken E-lixir - 32 oz
Hatching Time Strong Animals. Chicken e-lixer can be seen in image. Daily water additive to support digestive health, immunity and eggshell quality.

Chicken E-lixir - 32 oz


Elevate the health and vitality of your poultry flock with our premium range of poultry supplements. Designed to cater to the specific nutritional needs of chickens at various stages of life, our supplements provide essential nutrients that promote optimal health, enhance immune function, and improve overall productivity.

Comprehensive Nutrition: Our supplements are formulated with a blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and probiotics to address and support the diverse health requirements of poultry. From enhancing feather quality and eggshell strength to boosting energy levels and growth rates, each supplement is tailored to ensure your chickens receive the balanced nutrition they need to thrive.

Immune System Support: A strong immune system is crucial for the well-being of poultry. Our products contain immune-boosting ingredients like vitamin C, Echinacea, and herbal extracts that help fortify your flock against common diseases and infections, reducing the need for antibiotics and promoting a natural approach to health management.

Digestive Health: Gut health is paramount in poultry for nutrient absorption and overall vitality. Our supplements include prebiotics and probiotics that promote a healthy gut flora, enhancing digestion and preventing gastrointestinal issues. This leads to better feed conversion, healthier stools, and less odor in the coop.

Stress Reduction: Chickens are prone to stress, especially during periods of change such as new flock members, changes in environment, or extreme weather conditions. Our supplements help mitigate stress by providing calming herbs and nutrients that promote relaxation and adaptability, maintaining calm and order within the flock.

Easy to Administer: Available in various forms, such as powders, liquids, and pellets, our supplements are easy to incorporate into daily feeding routines. They can be mixed with feed or water, ensuring seamless integration without disrupting your normal feeding practices.

Whether you're raising backyard chickens, managing a small farm, or operating a large commercial poultry operation, our range of poultry supplements is essential for maintaining a healthy and productive flock. Invest in your poultry's future with our scientifically formulated supplements, and watch as your birds achieve their full potential in health and productivity.