In the heart of Bell Buckle, Tennessee, lies Bryant's Roost, a beacon of education in the poultry community led by the Jennifer Bryant and her husband. July 2023 marked a significant milestone as Jennifer embarked on an ambitious experiment to identify the best egg incubator for her prized jumbo coturnix eggs. Hatching Time is proud to spotlight her journey picking the best quail incubator.
Table of Contents
The Methodology
Jennifer meticulously selected one egg from 21 different breeding sets for each incubator, ensuring a balanced test group. She bravely tackled this endeavor in two phases, utilizing the GQF1502, Cimuka CT180SH by Hatching Time, Brinsea Ovation, Maticoopx and several styrofoam incubators. Jennifer's experiment was as extensive as it was impartial, all within the controlled environment of her barn office. For the full study, view Bryant's Roost full experiment.
Unbiased Approach
Hatching Time admires Jennifer's commitment to an unbiased approach, ensuring no external influences swayed her findings. In her full incubator experiment, she also goes into detail about customer support, replacement parts and ease of use. Hatching Time had no affiliation with this experiment.
Jennifer's observations provide invaluable insights into each incubator's performance. While some units like the Nature Right 360 showed promise, they were not without their flaws, such as the chick escape issue. Others, like the generic models and the Styrofoam incubators, these units presented challenges in cleanliness and consistent temperature control. See the below chart for her feedback.
The Winner?
Drum roll please....the Hatching Time CT180 was the ultimate incubator choice achieving the highest hatch rates along with other factors! Praised for its precision in humidity and temperature control and its ease of operation and cleaning, the CT180SH cabinet incubator emerged as the clear winner in her experiment. Her thorough analysis and the CT180’s superior performance exemplify our shared dedication to advancing poultry hatching technology and using the best poultry equipment. For all the juicy details, view Bryant's Roost full experiment.